Many people seek storage facilities to keep their valuable possessions safe and secure. The question is: How safe are your valued possessions when they are locked in public storage? Sure finding a convenient location for public storage units near me is important, but why else would you leave your valuable belongings in the hands of someone else and pay for a storage facility? How do you determine if your valuables are truly locked securely and protected at a storage facility? When looking for public storage units in Hilton Head Island pay attention to the:
Thieves know valuables are locked in storage units; so it’s important to find the most secure storage units locally - before signing any agreements.
Your belongings deserve more protection than any of the run-of-the mill self-storage facilities around. You need a storage facility with management who cares about implementing self-storage security systems to protect your belongings for the most secure storage units to rent. Below are security measures to consider when deciding how secure a storage facility actually is.
Alarms are great deterrents for thieves, so you would think every storage unit facility would use them. It’s crazy that you even have to ask this question, but many self-storage units do not have alarm systems in place. At the very least, secure storage facilities will have alarms set to go off between the hours of 10pm and 6am daily.
Light is an intruder’s enemy. Light exposes the intruder’s criminal actions, so they will go somewhere else if the storage unit lighting is bright and well positioned. When a storage facility is not well lit, it naturally attracts intruders to steal. The most secure storage units have lights installed throughout their parking lots as well as throughout the interior and exterior of the storage unit facility. Storage unit lighting should be installed in every hallway, elevator, and stairway for your protection. Protective measures with storage unit lighting should leave no dark corners or areas for thieves to take advantage of.
“Dude, they’ll catch you red-handed and capture your criminal activity on tape with those security cameras they have installed at this secure storage facility – take your dirty work elsewhere.” That’s the message the most secure storage unit facilities send to criminals by having security cameras installed. The message it sends to renters is that the storage facility cares about security and protecting your belongings. When secure storage facilities install 24/7 cameras to cover parking lots, hallways and all entrances, everyone gains a sense of trust in their facility’s security plan.
Why do storage units require insurance? Can a storage facility require insurance? What’s the deal? Is it just another way to charge more? Actually, the most secure storage units will have some form of required insurance to protect your belongings. This is so your belongings will be replaced or repaired should they become damaged while in storage. Insurance can be required as it protects you and the storage unit facility. Many storage unit facilities have insurance plans built into the rental price.
At Bubba’s Hilton Head Shipping and Storage, we are passionate about providing protective storage services at reasonable prices while ensuring that your belongings are safe with us in the process. Contact us to learn about our state-of-the art locks for the most secure storage units as well as our alarms, lighting and surveillance systems. Let us know how we can best serve you in the Hilton Head Island area today.
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